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Top Money Tips From Dave Ramsey Over the Years

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List Your Income

Ramsey's site wrote, "Start by listing the money you plan on getting during that month: normal paychecks (for you and your spouse) and anything extra from a garage sale, freelance job or side hustle."

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List Your Expenses

In terms of expenses, Ramsey says to start with what he calls your budget's "four walls": food, utilities, shelter and transportation.

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Track Your Transactions

"This helps you stay accountable to yourself, your spouse (if you're married), and your money!" Ramsey's site wrote. "You aren't hiding spending from anyone.


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Budget to Zero at the Start

Ramsey believes so strongly in the power of budgeting that he dedicated an entire page to tips on getting it right. The first is to start the month by budgeting to zero.

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Build Your Budget Together

If you're married, sit down once a month and have a family budgeting night. Make it fun! Grab some of your favorite snacks and put on a good playlist.

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Graduate to a Budgeting App

Ramsey says most people can benefit from bringing their budget into the digital age by moving from pen and paper to an app.

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Every Month Is Different

Ramsey advises against setting your budget in stone and instead adjusting it to match the realities of each new billing cycle.

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Budget Needs Trimming

If things are tight right now because of inflation or whatever reason, you can save money quickly by trimming your budget.

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