Macaws are quirky but lovable, and most become devoted to their owners and live nearly 100 years with proper care.
Australian cockatoos are intelligent, caring, and lovely. A Cockatoo is a great friend and learner if you're a good fit.
They replicate the sounds of their owners in order to learn how to communicate, much like parrots.
Lovebirds are smart and curious.They can learn some vocalizations if taught early.
The birds may be trained to sit on your finger, take off and circle back to you if you call their name.
Budgies can communicate like larger parrots and perform amusing stunts that never fail to impress.
Many specialists on birds have said that the stunning Amazon Parrots are among the best communicators of any kind of bird.
These extraordinary parrots have impressed everyone from bird owners to university researchers with their memories and emotions.