Sudden shortness of breath combined with chest pain could be a sign of a heart attack, a pulmonary embolism (blood clot), or a collapsed lung.
There are several medical problems that could cause chest pain, many of which aren’t serious, such as pulling a muscle.
Allergic reactions can range from mildly annoying (itchy rash, for example) to life-threatening, called anaphylaxis.
Everyone gets a headache now and then, and some of us get headaches regularly.
Sputum (phlegm) with blood is called hemoptysis. The sudden start of hemoptysis along with chest pain could be due to a pulmonary embolism.
Mild abdominal pain is often something that passes, but if you have abdominal pain after a trauma, or with bloody stools, fever, abdominal swelling.
Sudden loss of vision in either or both eyes, sudden severe pain in your eye.
Back pain can be caused by everyday activities, overdoing the physical activities or not being active enough.
Your body uses fever to try to fight infection.
People faint for many reasons. They may be too warm, see something that frightens them, or may have low blood sugar from skipping a meal.