10 Meet the Rarest Dog Breeds Around the World


A Hungarian herding breed recognized for its intelligence and adaptability in dog sports.

Lundehund: Norwegian 

As said, this Norwegian breed has additional toes and exceptional flexibility.


British breed used to hunt otters, now endangered.


Historically used as duck decoy dogs, the Dutch spaniel breed is dwindling.

Vlcak, Czechoslovakia: 

A hybrid of German Shepherds and Carpathian wolves.

Singing Dog

New Guinea's uncommon and old breed with peculiar vocalizations.

Foxhound: American 

Known for hunting in the US, a rare breed.

Ridgeback Thai: 

As said, this breed is rare outside Thailand.

Romagnolo Lagotto 

This Italian water dog hunts truffles, as indicated earlier.


New Zealand Maori's highly endangered Polynesian dog breed.