I paid $250 for someone’s junker and got maybe six months out of it before it was scrapped.
Whenever possible, I would buy generic or store brand
People might know this Caribbean island best for the St. Lucia Jazz Festival and the Pitons. But Saint Lucia has a lot of other things to do as well.
"Three-ply toilet paper and expensive, scented tissue paper that comes in pretty boxes. Wet wipes, too.
She couldn't buy anything from Starbucks because her parents had taught her not to spend too much. I got a Starbucks gift card as a present and was shocked by how much they charge.
people who like to save money like to go to the library, "People who are careful with their money never buy books because you can save money by renting books from the library instead of buying them."
They also don't buy the newest technology. Instead, they might wait until the price goes down and then buy it. I know this because I'm one of them.
They also don't buy the newest technology. Instead, they might wait until the price goes down and then buy it. I know this because I'm one of them.