Overuse of cheap, sparkling tinsel can rapidly convert a place into a gaudy display, despite its seasonal appeal.
Inflatable Lawn Decorations: While impressive, many find large inflatable Santas, snowmen, and other characters inappropriate and overbearing
A mishmash of multicolored, blinking, and non-blinking lights on a tree or house can produce an unorganized appearance.
Some like elaborate outdoor displays, but others find them overpowering. Avoid a cluttered front yard by balancing festive and classy.
Holiday-themed toilet seat covers and rugs can be more tacky than comical, despite their intended comedy.
While scented candles can improve the holiday atmosphere, excessive artificial aromas can be overbearing. Many prefer delicate, well-chosen fragrances.
While a dusting of snow can be charming, an excess of fake snow is often considered excessive.