Brush Stroke

American Attractions That Not Even Americans Want to Visit

Brush Stroke

Largest Ball of Twine, Kansas

Sure, it’s big and it’s made of twine, but is it really worth a detour? Chances are, even locals haven’t been there more than once—if at all!

Brush Stroke

Four Corners Monument, Southwest

You’d think standing in four states at once would be pretty cool. Well, once you get to this desolate attraction, you’ll realize it’s pretty much just that—a spot to stand.

Brush Stroke

Wall Drug, South Dakota

Wall Drug is known as the mecca of highway billboards. Advertised for hundreds of miles, but once you arrive, it’s basically a glorified gift shop.


Brush Stroke

Mystery House, California

If you’re into never-ending staircases to nowhere, then this is the place for you. Though it’s a quirky kind of eerie, most Americans prefer their spooky spots to actually be haunted.

Brush Stroke

Air Fryer Salmon

Try making our Air Fryer Salmon for a quick and delicious option that’s sure to satisfy. With its crispy exterior and tender, flaky interior, this salmon is a delicious and healthy choice for any meal.

Brush Stroke

The Fountain of Youth, Florida

Hate to burst your bubble, but sipping from this fountain won’t rewind the clock. It turns out, it’s more fairy tale than magical experience.

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The Corn Palace, South Dakota

Corn on the cob is great, but a palace made of corn is not as appetizing or exciting as it sounds. It’s one of those “see it once, never again” kind of places.

Brush Stroke

Roswell, New Mexico

Aliens or not, Roswell doesn’t offer much beyond its UFO museum. After one visit, even the most die-hard conspiracy theorists tend to say, “Beam me up from here!”

a living room filled with furniture and a large window

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