Don't write off a man because of superficial details like his horoscope or his receding hairline.
Fit, healthy women are more attractive to men, and you'll get other benefits as well.
Men prefer not to discuss about office politics and instead focus on topics that interest them.
Because of this, it's important to be able to poke fun at yourself and not take life too seriously.
This may sound dated, but it's true: men like a lady who can whip up a tasty meal. They'll feel special, cared for, and spoiled. How are you going to feed yourself if you don't know how to cook?
After a long day at the office, your partner will only be interested in you if he has something attractive to look at.
For a man, there is nothing more attractive than a lady who is enthusiastic about something.
Even if you don't share his enthusiasm for sports, you may still show your support by cheering for his team or, at the very least, by making him sandwiches and bringing him a beer.