Brush Stroke

Places Americans don’t visit—but definitely should

Brush Stroke


Located between Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos, it’s easy to see why this Southeast Asian nation is often overlooked. Though the country is poorer than its neighbors, its beauty is unmatched.

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This North African nation got a bad rep among Americans in the post-2010 Arab Spring protests that kicked off there, before spreading to Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan.

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Bordering Peru to the west, Argentina to the south, and Brazil to the east, this landlocked nation is sometimes forgotten about.


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After 50 years of embargo, it's easy to understand why Americans don't often go to this Caribbean nation. Now that they can, this will hopefully change.

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Northern Ireland

This United Kingdom nation garnered a bad rep in the 1990s due to violence between crown loyalists and the Irish Republican Army. But that stayed in the 1990s, and the country is safe to visit.

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This Southeast Asian country borders Thailand, the region's most popular destination for Americans. Also, the country is majority Muslim, which puts off many Americans.

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Americans don't really visit Africa in general, expect for South Africa and Morocco. But there are plenty of safe places to go, and Malawi is one worth checking out.

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This country, while just 11,500 sq mi in size and home to 2 million people, is entirely landlocked by South Africa.

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