The Health Benefits of Essential Oil of Tea Tree oil

The leaves of the Melaleuca tree, which is primarily found in Australia, are the source of this essential oil.  Tea tree is said to have a fresh, therapeutic scent. The tea tree has numerous advantages.

Antifungal: Research has indicated that this oil possesses antifungal characteristics. I have often recommended it to patients looking for a first-line therapy for fungal nails. I advise putting it on the nail one to two times a day. When used consistently, I have observed positive outcomes.  

According to a 2017 study conducted in Rome, Italy, people with gingivitis-related irritation found relief by gargling their mouths with tea tree oil.

Wound healing: Apply topically to promote wound healing and help stave off infection.

Helps control dandruff: Aids in dandruff control: Apply topically to the scalp to aid in dandruff reduction.

Insect repellent: Applying insect repellent topically can help keep mosquitoes away.


Tea tree blends well with lavender and myrrh oil.